Week 0 | Introduction & Announcment
I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty much over 2020!
Between the corona-crazy, the election here in the states, the murder hornets (hello!) aaaannnd turning 40 during the second week of lockdown — I’m ready to drop 2020 and ask for a refund 🙂
Can I get an ‘Amen’?
If you’re like me, the way you got through this year is devouring story. In thinking of a way to end the year, I kept coming back to what has gotten me through and also to the ideas of ‘enchantment’ and ‘inspiration’ — I need a healthy dose of each these final weeks.
And where better to find both than through the Chronicles of Narnia?
So I’m spending the final two months reading my childhood favorite, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe —and I’d like to invite you along for the ride.
Here’s the deal: I’m rockin’ out the rest of the year with my first ever RELIGION + FICTION BOOK CLUB!!! Sort of an experiment, so we’ll see how it goes, but I’d love for you to join in the fun.
Best of all: it’s totally free, with zero agendas and zero gimmicks here. Just trying to do my party to get us through the crazy with a dose if enchantment and inspiration for the journey.
Hope you consider joining in the fun! Get the details below
Here are the details
This is a 100% virtual book club that can be accessed anywhere in the world, anytime of the day. It’ll be guided by me (J.A. Bouma, aka Jeremy!) through pre-recorded videos diving into the more sacred elements of C.S. Lewis’s beloved story for kiddos and kiddos-at-heart.
Again, anyone can join (do invite your friends!) and it is 100% free; nothing to buy or sell.
Some details:
- Begins November 30 and ends December 28, 2020
- Runs 5 weeks, every Monday
- 20-30 Minute videos with thoughts and questions to go deeper in the story, offer insight into matters of faith, and inspire for the journey
- Open comments for interaction
- Buy the book today, whether ebook or print (links to Amazon and common stores below), and start diving into a story that will enchant as much as inspire for the journey of faith
The Schedule:
- November 30 / Chapters 1–4
- December 7/ Chapters 5–7
- December 14 / Chapters 8–11
- December 21 / Chapters 12–14
- December 28 / Chapters 15–17
Remember: this is totally free, there’s no catch or gimmick, and you’re invited!
I know it may be a scary, frustrating time right now—feels like what C.S. Lewis himself voiced in the story: “Always winter and never Christmas.” But take heart: the hope and promise of this story and the Story of the Bible is that “Aslan is on the move”!
I really hope you join in the 5-week fun and that this offers an enchanting, insightful way to end the year after so much crazy!
Hope to see you in the club! You can check back here each Monday or sign up for emails of each post to be delivered to your inbox (no SPAM; promise!)
Grace and peace these final weeks of 2020,