Week 3 / You Are Rescued in Christ!

Week 3 / You Are Rescued in Christ!

Week 3 / You Are Rescued in Christ! This post is part of a series of weekly devotionals and discounts during the world-wide CoViD-19 pandemic. In wondering how I could offer relief in some small way, I thought about combining a weekly entry from a devotional I wrote...
Week 3 / You Are Rescued in Christ!

Week 2 / You are Secure in Christ!

Week 2 / You Are Secure in Christ! This post is part of a series of weekly devotionals and discounts during the world-wide CoViD-19 pandemic. In wondering how I could offer relief in some small way, I thought about combining a weekly entry from a devotional I wrote...
Week 3 / You Are Rescued in Christ!

Week 1 / You Are Victorious in Christ!

Week 1 / You Are Victorious in Christ! This post is part of a series of weekly devotionals and discounts during the world-wide CoViD-19 pandemic. In wondering how I could offer relief in some small way, I thought about combining a weekly entry from a devotional I...


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